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Poems by Donna Hendrix

poem count: 155 | pages: 18 | second place: 2 times | finalist: 8 times
Be Strong
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Be careful with the words you say, and the one's you don't say!

Peaceful Today
Don't let the stresses of this life get you down. Hand them to the Savior and let Him guide you where He wants you to be. It's not about you, it's about Him.

Crucified Again
Jesus died for our sins to give us eternal life.

Walk In Stride
Many think material possessions will bring them happiness, but Jesus Christ is the answer to a happy fulfilling life!

Wounded Eyes
There are so many starving people in the world. If we'd all just give a little, we could help so many.

Seasons of Life second in poetry contest
The changing seasons remind of the changing seasons of a Christians life.

Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace has long been my favorite hymn. For any Christian the words ring so true!

It's past time for a revival in the United States. Christians need to take a stand now!