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Poems by Robert Hedrick

poem count: 162 | pages: 18 | second place: 4 times | finalist: 14 times
Things that are to come through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior.

The Finest Hour
When a person invites Christ into their life, it begins to change as a new outlook is experienced.

As Jesus Fulfills
I find that the more Jesus fills up my life the less room there is for Satan to slip in.

No Delays
The journey into heaven will be a smooth one for all who are prepared to go.

Thoughtfulness can be shared in many ways. Through small acts of kindness or through larger acts that are time consuming. No matter, they are welcomed.

Riches to Riches finalist in poetry contest
The riches we have here on earth can disappear very quickly, while the riches from God will never fade.

Heart and Brain
When the heart is filled with the love of God, the brain can get things done.

Death's Sting Removed
Thinking about death can be very depressing and scary, that is if Jesus hasn't removed it's sting.

Sometimes it's not always the truth that we want to hear.