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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Everyone gets to Play
"Everyone gets to play" is a phrase coined by John Wimber - which meant that all participants were involved in "doin' the stuff" not just the pastors and preachers. We are all called to be priests.

Fit To Throw
Poetic rendition of a story in the eighth chapter of the book of John.

Who is your True Friend? The one who lets you do what you want and says nothing, or the one who warns you about being careful about the way you go and the choices you make?

A poem about the Majesty of the Son of God

Life’s True Meaning
Only Christ gives life its true meaning

No human being is here by accident. God does not give life to a child He doesn’t want.

New Creation
A poem about the New Creation

Now I see
A poem from the perspective of the blind man who washed in the pool at Siloam

This is a poem about how I found God and how he is always there for me.

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