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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
A poem about resting in Christ rather than only working.

Victory is found Jesus Christ alone though Satan will make every attempt to distract you from that truth.

Falling Off My Musical Church Chair
If we truly care we must continue to share God’s word and Jesus beyond the four Sunday morning walls of our churches.

Help Us to Surrender
This poem is about surrendering "things" (idols) that we hold as treasures, here on Earth.

Deep in the Woods
Sometimes God takes us through the wilderness (woods), so we can learn to leave our Egypt (slavery) behind and instead learn to embrace freedom and favour as He leads us to the promise land.

Leaving Fear Behind
from fear to love

The Desert finalist in poetry contest
A poem likening our journey through the world, to Israel’s in the desert.

Raised to Life
Raised from the ashes

The Lord Sees All
The Lord sees everything

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