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God's Love, Grace & Mercy Poetry

Sainthood By the Power of God Alone
Among all the gifts and promises from the Lord, we are given a new identity - from sinner to saint,

The Embrace of Divine Grace
Because of God's divine grace, our identity reflects His heart.

What Do You Want?
We should all value God's love over worldly things.

Gift of Grace
Through God's grace comes true healing and forgiveness.

Blue Skies Rust
Sometimes we find it hard to see blue skies. It is within God's grace we discover the true blue sky, that never ends in His presence

God instructs us to love one another, just as He loves us!

Ode to God's Embrace of Freedom
Romans 6:18 , "You have been set free from sin and become slaves to righteousness." Only this kind of righteousness can make us free.

God's Glory Revealed
Psalm 8:1 - O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above all the heavens. God's glory is manifested by His attributes.

Ode to the Divine Union
John 17:25, "I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which You have loved me may be in them, and I in them.” Therefore, I am one with God, a joint heir in Christ.

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