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God's Love, Grace & Mercy Poetry

Being Saved
This poem is about being saved and finding salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Father's Mercy
God's mercy is the one and only thing that saves us.

Love's Embrace
contrast between self effort and God's grace.

Fit To Throw
Poetic rendition of a story in the eighth chapter of the book of John.

This is a poem about how I found God and how he is always there for me.

Leaving Fear Behind
from fear to love

Seeking Me
Thankful that God always seeks us - willing to shed His blood to bring us back into His love.

Fair Dinkum second in poetry contest
I realise that my Ausie Slang may not be acceptable. I am in my eighties and have battled with depression and with feelings that I have failed God chided me for my lack of faith and self-pity and reminded me of His grace and sovereign love.

The Light of His Embrace
Christ in you, the hope of glory

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