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Inspirational Poems

Water to Wine
A poem for communion. He takes our ordinary and turns it into something good.

Your Name Brings Music to Our Ears
A song of praise to the LORD. . .

Falling Off My Musical Church Chair
If we truly care we must continue to share God’s word and Jesus beyond the four Sunday morning walls of our churches.

Help Us to Surrender
This poem is about surrendering "things" (idols) that we hold as treasures, here on Earth.

Search Us – Look Through the Windows of Our Eyes finalist in poetry contest
This poem speaks to Psalm 139: 23-24, NIV: "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Continued Edifying Care
During our walk with God , it’s a blessing to receive a gentle reminder and to share an encouraging reminder with those we introduced to God’s word , walk and relationship and love.

Heirs of God finalist in poetry contest
This poems speaks of the joys and blessings of being heirs of God.

My Mess
A journey of my mess and a new beginning

Mercy's Embrace: A Reflection on Isaiah 42:3 finalist in poetry contest
Isaiah 42:3: God's gentle care,For the weak, He's there.No bruised reed shall break,Nor flickering wick forsake.

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