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Poems by Kathleen Higham

poem count: 455 | pages: 51 | first place: 7 times | second place: 6 times | finalist: 60 times
One Thing
Luke 10:41 “You are worried about many things, but only one thing is needed. We are one in Him and only He can walk sorrow down the path that leads to joy. The one thing we cannot live without is His Word.”

In The Early Morning Hour
My friend reminded me that it is so important to pray for others. So often our first prayer is for ourselves, but this morning I prayed for another first and thanked Him for the joy of it.

God Bless Us
The Bamboo tree when planted does not grow until the fifth year then it shoots up 80 feet in one year. Her roots patiently take hold then God lifts the tree up just as He will lift us up and bless us when we trust in Him.

My Very Last Remembrance
This morning as I read my devotional from “My Utmost For His Highest, this statement really touched my heart. “The Christian Life is a life challenged by true and spontaneous creativity,” and now I am deeply encouraged as I write…

Would I Know
My life without Christ would be empty and void. I rest between His shoulders. I am nothing and know nothing but for Him...

Have You Considered My Prayer second in poetry contest
What an amazing feeling when God answers your prayer and you feel His power and mercy and you know He is there.

Pray Now
Sometimes when the unthinkable happens we forget that God wants us to pray. Pray now, not after we try to think it through. Pray now and unceasing and He will carry us through any trial that comes our way.If we just: Pray Now.

Just Believe
A Tribute to Sue KlingensmithI have known Sue for several years and her belief was unshakable. She professed her faith joyfully even though there were great trials in her life. Sue “just believed.” It would be her heart’s desire if each and every one

We are absolutely not worthy, but God calls to us as though we were. Then the most incredible gift of all comes when at last we ask Him in. He cleanses us of our sin and we find that we are no longer unworthy, because He took what was not worthy and t