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Poems by Kathleen Higham

poem count: 455 | pages: 51 | first place: 7 times | second place: 6 times | finalist: 60 times
Sin, It Is Crushed
This morning I prayed for my family, my friends, and myself. It seems as we grow older there is no end to the health issues that come our way. But our God is so faithful. He takes me to a Scripture and ministers to me. Allow me to quote Charles Parkhur

Waves of Mercy at the Kingdom Door
I wrote this for my dear friend whose husband was killed recently in a car accident. I prayed for waves of mercy to wash over her.

In the Early Morning Hour
Here is an amazing truth. When I praise God first then pray my requests, I feel His presence and His power; In the early morning hour...

The Only Son
Women have been given the gifts of strength, courage, compassion, and exhortation. We are born with the desire to lift each other up. Even in our loss we have, "A Woman's Creed."

Conflict, afflictions, pain, grief, and sorrow rest peacefully in one’s strife. This is the paradoxical gift of living a Godly life. Lean on God, only God and He will hold you up...

You, You, You, and You
Success comes with much hard work. You are thankful to God, but a niggling doubt appears and it seems ridiculously odd. Each morning brings a new day as you look into the mirror. There’s the thought again. What part have I left behind?

I looked forward to our Wednesday night Bible study taught by Stephanie White. She is my sister in Christ, my friend, my mentor, and my teacher. I have discovered that Stephanie causes me to think, ask myself, "What makes me passionate?"

A Glimpse of Grace
Grace is unearned love. No matter what is happening in my life I feel the God who grounds me. He holds the corners of this earth in his Hands and all that happens in-between, He is aware. He stoops down to make me great, gives me, "A Glimpse of Grace."

Oh Pity to the One second in poetry contest
I feel pity for those who don't know Christ. It is my prayer that this Easter people would come to the Lord and know who they are in Christ!