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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Blessed Transformation
He turns our mourning to dancing - explores the transformation that Christ brings to our lives.

Jesus bears the scars from our sins, and by His wounds we are healed - we are saved. Praise God!

What Triggers Someone. . .
"Do not envy the violent or choose any of their ways," (Proverbs 3:31, NIV).

Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained
God's creation story became the story of God's Son. Paradise lost became Paradise gained

A poem about how I love to feel the closeness of God.

His Promise that Keeps on Promising
As we read His Word in red, we can know that His promises still are ours.

Justice and Mercy
Explores the connection between God's justice and mercy

An Umbrella of Grace
God feels our grief and pain - He cries when we cry . . .

In Jesus Holy Name
About being lost in the world of sin and darkness and accepting Jesus Christ.

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