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Faith Poetry

Sometimes we struggle to trust God. Having child-like faith is what we need.

Whom we have believed
More certain than our life on earth is the faithfulness of God in Christ

Faith to Sight
It is a simple poem that explains the meaning of the term faith to sight.

A question of trust…
Inspired by Mark 7 : 21 — 23 and Proverbs 3 : 5 — 6 .

All Things first in poetry contest
God is still the same. As Scripture says, with God there is no "variableness nor shadow of turning." We may live in a different dispensation, but we serve the same God. Our faith should lay hold of the reality of His presence and power.

Trust Him More
Describes the many things we trust in life but ultimately how we trust God more.

The power of faith in our lives.

Surrender finalist in poetry contest
My short life doesn't last until He comes in and washed me clean, and all I have to do is surrender to Him.

A poem of praise
Just thinking how awesome it is to worship God and how privileged I am to know Him

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