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Poems by Clinton Herring

poem count: 88 | pages: 10 | first place: 1 time | second place: 3 times | finalist: 43 times
Surrender finalist in poetry contest
My short life doesn't last until He comes in and washed me clean, and all I have to do is surrender to Him.

His Decree finalist in poetry contest
It is His work, His word, His decree that changes us.

That Blood finalist in poetry contest
The amazing miracle of HIs cleansing Blood.

How Grateful finalist in poetry contest
Our helpless state and the work of the Lord to overcome in our behalf.

A Lovely Ending Path finalist in poetry contest
A poetic description of the path we each walk with Christ.

Chanting Promises finalist in poetry contest
Poetic chant of truths for hope from promises in His word.

A Life So Pure finalist in poetry contest
The Lord's life is so pure that it has the capacity to save all of us, but sadly not all will respond.

Step Through The Veil second in poetry contest
Finding God: what we think is not there is really just a veil before our lives.

Ah, The Potter finalist in poetry contest
The Lord is the Potter who shapes us and passes us through the fire for His purpose as He creates beauty in us.