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Poems by Clinton Herring

poem count: 81 | pages: 9 | first place: 1 time | second place: 3 times | finalist: 43 times
Glory To The Son finalist in poetry contest
A poem in short verse that glorifies the work of the Son.

His Cleansing Word second in poetry contest
The work His word does in us as we read it day to day

Set Free finalist in poetry contest
The power of the love of God and the Son to set us free from the prison of sin, the prison of death.

I Didn't Know finalist in poetry contest
We all grow up from infancy not knowing God. It is His grace and mercy that finds us once we hear His truth.

God's Righteous Love
God's righteous love is a person, the Lord Jesus Christ who saved us.

The Haze finalist in poetry contest
Sin puts a haze over our heart and mind so we don't see our need clearly.

What Fruit?
Before God our words about Him and our daily "fruit" should match.

Covered and Free finalist in poetry contest
About Christ's work whose shed blood as a man covers our sin and sets us free.

In Honor of Poetry
In honor of poetry and poets. This is 14 stanzas describing some of poetries various subjects, ideas and themes. Some stanzas use various meter while still maintaining a rhythmic reading flow.