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Poems by Clinton Herring

poem count: 81 | pages: 9 | first place: 1 time | second place: 3 times | finalist: 43 times
God's Love II finalist in poetry contest
Poetic words describing His love that gave us life for death

Finding Jesus
Even in the greatest despair, Jesus can change and brighten any life.

His Work That Heals
The wonder of His work in us that heals us and grants new life.

The Last Sleep
What it might be like closing my eyes the last time.

God's Love
Jesus work of love for me and for all

The Stain of Sin
Sin is a stain. We can't balance it with a right for a wrong. A stain must be washed out.

I Know a Place
God's mercy reigns and rains on us.

Freed From Fear
With dangers all around, we don't need to fret, God has our back,

Just Trust finalist in poetry contest
Though we have struggles in this life, we need to just trust Jesus