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Poems About Family

Let Love Have its Say
Written for my daughter's wedding today.

Broken Lives
Many families are broken - yet there is hope!

Pretty Flowers
Flowers are a big part of many occasions throughout our lives. Important for us to remember not just the flowers, but also the creator of them, for He is with us throughout our journey

A GRIEVING MOTHER finalist in poetry contest
This poem speaks about the grief and heartache of a mother who has lost her child, and how the Lord hears her anguished cries and feels her pain.

A Godly Young Mother
Proverbs 31: 27-28a NKJV She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed;

His Precious Living Gems finalist in poetry contest
We often struggle to see the beauty God has created within us. This poem explores a father and daughter who struggle to see their true value and the disconnection that occurs. They fail to see they are God's precious living gems.

The sweetness of adoption

Written in loving memory of my Aunty who passed recently.

My Child, My Heart
My children mean everything to me, and I know that I am blessed to be their mother. I want to leave them with love, my writings, and my faith. I pray for them every night; for protection, and for God to bless them in every way.

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